About us
I have worked in varied industries throughout my career
including retail, manufacturing, finance and the service industry. In every
business, I have used Microsoft Excel and the more I learned about Excel, the
more I realised how underutilised it was. There is a vast array of tools
available within the program, but most businesses will only use a very small
percentage of them.
I am passionate about helping people to make the most of
Excel and this is why I set up Creative Spreadsheets. I can help you to
understand Excel’s advanced capabilities and advise how to best structure your
data collection, analysis and management.

OUr services
We can build programs that are specific to your business
without any expensive upfront software costs, as it all uses the Microsoft
Office Suite. Every business can benefit from using Excel in a tailored way and
can save many hours of work by automating repetitive tasks. The accuracy of
data can be improved significantly by developing a bespoke input interface,
which then allows a more in-depth analysis of results.
Why choose us?
We will spend time to get to know your business and advise what features of Excel will best suit what you want to achieve. Every aspect of the program can be customised to create the perfect fit for your company.
To see examples of some of the different features that can be incorporated into your program, please visit our demos page.
Or to speak to us to discuss your requirements further, please contact us